Eadlin Lahwita
From The Lands Under the Sun
In 942 AC, the Ealdormoot of the Folkdeed of Greatvale authorized a military campaign against Carmadh over a trade dispute. A thirty-two year old woman named Eadlin Lahwita was Witeger at the time. She criticized the action as unwise and likely to cause greater difficulties for the Folkdeed. The war was popular with the people and the leaders of the government; it was likely to be waged even over Eadlin’s objections. However, Rædgiver Derian Eoredmann ordered that Eadlin be arrested as a traitor and a threat to state security. He dispatched the elite Ealdorweard to take her and bring her to the Dread Prison in the Eastvale mountains.
When the soldiers of the Ealdorweard arrived at Eadlin’s home, she greeted them with a plate of bread and dates, the meal that the founders of the Folkdeed had shared after the Long Campaign to be rid of the Last King. She said to them, “Brave sons of Greatvale, share with me this humble repast. And then you may do as you must for the protection of the Folkdeed.” It is said that the soldiers took the bread and dates in silence and then, without uttering a word, left Eadlin in her home and returned to the Folk Keep where they slew Derian Eoredmann.
She served the remainder of her term as Witeger, and even helped guide Greatvale through the consequences of their campaign against Carmadh, which she had correctly foreseen. After her tenure, rejecting calls for her to seek the position of Rædgiver, she returned to teaching law at the Boroughræden School for those seeking to earn their citizenship.
In Greatvale, she is seen as embodying the virtues of freedom of conscience and resistance to tyranny. The name Eadlin remains one of the most popular names for girls in the Folkdeed to this day.